
Alasan, Tujuan, dan Harapan saya membuat Blog

Reason for creating a blog Blogging allows me to be able to tell my story in a way that I want to tell without depending on journalists. When I write about topics that interest me, I can decide how to describe a story, what information should be included, and what information should be conveyed. exclude. Blogging allows me to ensure that all information included in a blog is factual. Purpose of creating a blog The purpose of writing blog is to promotion of a product or service, awareness about social issues, information sharing about any subject or purely passion for writing. Hope of creating a blog My hope to create a blog, I can be known to many people, and can find new friends, besides that, I also hope many people can find out the information that I've shared. Translate  Alasan membuat blog Ngeblog memungkinkan saya untuk dapat menceritakan kisah saya dengan cara yang saya ingin ceritakan tanpa tergantung pada jurnalis. Ketika saya menulis tentang topi...

Video presentation about "What is the Electrical Engineering?"


What is the Electrical engineering
